A.C.C. Productions
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8/26/04- This is an update on the site and how The Origin Of August is still being revised. The script has been set, and the lines are all that is left. Soon enough we will begin with cast roles.
7/31/04- It's been a long time since we filmed, and we have built up the courage to start Featherlips with it's new ideas. Be Prepared for the ride of your life!
6/18/04- Deadly Delusion, a horror film that was created for school purposes.
6/13/04- The Masked Warrior was released as an english assignment, being related to the best seller novel "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest".
12/21/03- It is now time to start filming Mr. Foreign Intelligence, we will post up new facts and photos on the movie soon.
11/19/03- We created a revolutionary war movie for an educational purpose. It consists of George Washington and his men running away from the Brittish. From there they cross the river to attack the Hessians.
11/9/03- Today we created a short film movie on Shakespeares: Mac Beth. This film was created for an educational prupose and it is bloodier then ever.
10/25/03- We officially decided to pospone "Featherlips" with its many camera difficulties. So the next films to work on are "Mr. Foreign Intelligence" and "Black Diamond" over the winter. "Black Diamond" is going to be the first actual movie of Jafard, after the hit series. Wish us luck, we need it!
10/21/03- The three of us went out shopping for props and costumes. We bought  many props and pu together the entire Featherlips costume with our low budget.
10/9/03- This is an update on how we still have not started Featherlips because of camera problems. They will soon  be fixed and we should start this upcoming weekend. Also, we added a "New Additions & Ideas" link to the site. It contains ideas we have for future movies, CHECK IT OUT!
10/1/03- The crew and cast for Featherlips is almost completely figured out, and a number of  scenes have been thought out and typed up. We are ready to start filming.
9/26/03- Have not gotten the new camera yet, but we are getting it very soon. Great News though, we have gotten many people to act in the upcoming horror flick "Featherlips."
9/14/03- "Horrible News!" Our new digital camera gave out on us and has some how ruined the footage we taped for "Feather Lips." After all it may just be the camera, so we may be lucky and about the tape.
9/1/03- So far we have completed a few scenes for our new thriller "Featherlips." It's going together quite well, although we do need several actors for several parts. If you have any questions on being in the movie, don't hesitate to e-mail us.
8/20/03- Our Kung-Fu film "The Raging Tiger" is going just great. So far we have completed 13 scenes, with only a few more to go. "Wish us LUCK!"
8/18/03- Holy Guacamole!!  Awesome scenes filmed for "Featherlips", our horror flick thats in the process.  I made an awesome but short teaser for the video and it doesn't give away much.  Check it out in the "Featherlips" section by clicking here.
8/4/03 - The Suspense Thriller "Featherlips" has begun it's journey in movie making. (This movie has begun with a great deal of extremely great camera shots and amazing acting!)
8/4/03 - The Official Site for A.C.C. Productions is created.
7/31/03 - "The Black Diamond Series: Part 4, Jafard Ressurected" and this is a start for a whole new series of movies.
7/29/03 - The film crew has begun on our second Kung Fu Movie, "The Raging Tiger."
7/9/03 - The crew begins the horror film, "Phsycho Misfit." (Although the film doesn't go as planned and is cancelled.)
7/9/03 - "The Black Diamond Series: Part 3, The Curse of Jafard" had begun and was finished. (Filled with a dramatic line from Jafard.)
6/21/03 - The crew starts their first mob movie, "Stiff Neck."
6/14/03 - We started working on our first Kung Fu movie "Fist Full of Bamboo."
6/8/03 - The crew created a movie for school on medieval times called "Knight-Mare in Hell." (It was a success to the audience.)
5/25/03 - The Thriller known as "Demise" begins.
4/5/03 - The story of Jafard continues in "The Black Diamond Series: Part 2, Return of Jafard." (This film is known to be the greatest episode of the "Black Diamond Series" yet in the history of life. It's filled with eye poping scenes and hilarious lines.) NOTE: This film has been misplaced somewhere and is not to be found, yet!
3/3/03 - "The Black Diamond Series" was created and the legend begins. (It took a while, but in time the episodes were finished.)
11/4/02 - "Tekken: The Real Movie" was started and finished.