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ACC Productions Team:   (10 - 17 - 03)

Name:   Adam dos Santos
A.C.C. Relation:   Director, Actor, Screen Writer, Casting, Producer, Camera Man, and Web Site Creator
Age:   15
Favorite A.C.C. Film:   The "Black Diamond Series"
Favorite Action Movie:   All of the "James Bond 007" movies
Favorite Comedy Movie:   What About Bob?
Favorite Horror/ Sci-Fi Movie:   Star Wars & all of the "Nightmare On Elm Street" movies (except Wes Craven's New Nightmare)
How Do You Think Of A Movie?:   First I think of what kind of movie I would like to make (Comedy, Action, ect...). Then I think of the plot, get some scenes sketched out, find the right actors for the parts, then begin filming. Before you know it, we have got a box office hit!


ACC Productions Team:   (10 - 17 - 03)

Name:   Chris Van Deusen
A.C.C. Relation:   Director, Actor, Screen Writer, Casting, Producer, and Camera Man
Age:   16
Favorite A.C.C. Film:   Knight-Mare In Hell
Favorite Action Movie:   ...
Favorite Comedy Movie:   Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Favorite Horror/ Sci-Fi Movie:   All of the "Nightmare On Elm Street" movies (except Wes Craven's New Nightmare)
How Do You Think Of A Movie?:   ...


ACC Productions Team:   (10 - 17 - 03)

Name:   Colin Van Deusen
A.C.C. Relation:   Director, Actor, Screen Writer, Casting, Producer, and Camera Man
Age:   18
Favorite A.C.C. Film:   Black Diamond 2
Favorite Action Movie:   True Lies
Favorite Comedy Movie:   Dumb And Dumber
Favorite Horror/ Sci-Fi Movie:   All of the "Nightmare On Elm Street" movies (except Wes Craven's New Nightmare)
How Do You Think Of A Movie?:   Well i don't usually come up with main ideas, but when we have a basic movie idea down (for example, a horror movie), I think of things that personally scare me and see if we can fit them in the movie.  Its all about realizing what will affect the audience and then effectively getting it on camera. Thats about it!