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Mr. Foreign Intelligence
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            This is a film of two men who do not know of eachother, but both have something in common. They do not know what they want in life. Till one day when they both lose their jobs and they see an opportunity to become a star. It's a upcoming secret agent movie called "Mr. Foreign Intelligence." Both of them want the lead role of "Jasper Winters" an extreme bad ass agent, and they will do anything to get the role. Even kill someone! As they get way into the fact that they both want the part, the competition builds up. Untill, they notice that some hot shot got the role. They then realize that they must join forces and do any needs necessary to stop this hot shot from becoming a star.

DVD Release Date: NO TIME SOON!



01              Main Tiles              

02               Introducing a Brilliant New Idea

03               Looking for the Perfect Star

04               Loss of a Job, Gain of Inspiration

05               Try Outs

NOTE:  More Scenes Will Be Posted Soon!